I Wonder...

Jennifer Jarvis McFadden: I'm going to start calling you curious George.
B: Why?


Thought the kid had long been asleep until just now when we heard her singing 'True Colors'


Cary found a random squirrel running around the neighborhood and b looked and said, "oh, that's Olympia"

Chores for a 7 year old

"Mommy, will you help me hang these back up?"
"Give it a try. Just one item of clothing at a time."
(sighs exasperatedly) "This will take for HOURS!"
"Way to be positive, kid"
"I'm positive it will take for hours!"

B's Cinna Crunchy Chip Sandwich

Start with 2 slices of bread, and rub cinnamon roll icing on one slice. Add mustard and spread evenly. Then line the edges with Cheddar Blasted Goldfish and fill the center with Cheetos. 
Voila! (And good luck)

Things B says

"thinger nail Polish"