Funny Halloween story:

One of the last houses we went to had a kid dressed as Pennywise (the evil clown from It) jump out trying to scare b. B's response? "I like your costume!" The kid just stood there, baffled, while b collected her candy. I guess she overheard someone say something about not being scared because as we were walking away, b turned and said "you scared me, just a little bit", wished them a happy Halloween, and went on her merry way...

B quote of the day

Did you know that there's such thing as 1 trillion miles an hour? If vampires were real, they'd go 1 trillion miles an hour.
... Actually, 100 miles an hour.

B quote of the day:

I love you to all the states and back. Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Alaska, Africa...

B quote of the day

Chocolate is a kid's best friend!