
Brylee was reading her Highlights magazine the other day.  They had how to make Valentine Fortune cookies.  She told me that if she could do that for her friends she would have the paper say.." I will help you with your school work if you need help"  I thought that was very sweet.

B versus the leaves

Today, my parents raked their backyard leaves into piles, and let B run and jump into them.
While she was doing this, she told T that she always has one gift she wants for Christmas and her birthday. Family. She said she always gets it and isn't tired of getting that gift.


"it smells like Brad's feet in here"

--as she got into a rental car

Peanut Butter and Reese's Pieces Sandwich


Cary: you're going to behave while we eat, right?
B: right! 
Cary: We're not going to have to beat you?
B: beat me to where?


B: daddy, can you look up how to spell Rudolph on your phone?
Cary McFadden: R-u-d-o-l-p-h
B: Mommy, can you look on your phone so I can see how you spell Rudolph? 
Me: r-u-d-o-l-p-h
B: no! I want to see what it looks like.
I pull it up on my phone and show her. She takes my phone.
B: ok. Daddy, can you spell Rudolph?

Story Time!

Me: do you want to stay for story time?
B: no
Me: they have cookies


Funny Halloween story:

One of the last houses we went to had a kid dressed as Pennywise (the evil clown from It) jump out trying to scare b. B's response? "I like your costume!" The kid just stood there, baffled, while b collected her candy. I guess she overheard someone say something about not being scared because as we were walking away, b turned and said "you scared me, just a little bit", wished them a happy Halloween, and went on her merry way...

B quote of the day

Did you know that there's such thing as 1 trillion miles an hour? If vampires were real, they'd go 1 trillion miles an hour.
... Actually, 100 miles an hour.

B quote of the day:

I love you to all the states and back. Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Alaska, Africa...

B quote of the day

Chocolate is a kid's best friend!

A Visit To The Dentist...

B: (dramatic sigh) I love the dentist. I love the games and watching the TV while they clean my teeth. Even the water and sucky thing. Oh and the butterflies hanging from the ceiling! And that jeep cover! (It's a crocheted tire cover on a Jeep in the parking lot)
Did Cary McFadden give her some laughing gas this morning?

B quote of the day

Cary: Say something clever
B: if she doesn't like you, then she's not the one for you. Did I say that clearly?

B Quote Of The Day

B: it's like paper.
Me: what is?
B: Me blinking

Making Up The Rules As She Goes Along

Playing the quiet game, but b conveniently keeps 'pausing' when she wants to say something... Which is frequent (like, every 5 seconds)

Thanks A Lot, TV

Thanks to fine TV shows such as How It's Made, B wants to know how everything is made. Donuts... Signs... A box of kittens...

8-Year-Old Vocabulary

B is using the words 'brute' and 'rascals' in her story from yesterday